
Monday, May 14, 2012

The Depression.

Here's the story... After taking a couple days off last week and doing all I could think of (R.I.C.E. + getting a massage and basically drinking cod liver oil) to heal my ITBS, I decided since I did not have any pain in my knee I could go ahead and go running. I ran 5 miles Wednesday and still had no pain during or after the run. This was a great sign so that weekend seemed okay for me to do a long run. Short story, short... I ran fine until mile 14 hit and the lateral knee pain came back. Although, not as painful as the time before I still had to walk almost a mile. Totaling 15 miles I ran/walked. The marathon is in 4 weeks and this week I was scheduled to run 20 miles. I'm not saying I'm going to be able to do it.. but I'm going to try. Maybe my IT compression strap will help to reduce the pain. I'm also going to switch up my trail so I'm running up hill first and then down hill at the end. I'm also pouring my strength into my cross training which is mostly cycling/spinning right now. I may swim again but I feel like spinning works me the way I need to better. I think that may just be because I am more familiar with it and know how to really push myself.

I'm tired, but I'm going to try to do my track repeats tomorrow morning. I read that ITBS is more present when running long, slow runs and not so much during fast runs. Maybe I can do it, maybe I'll love it and maybe I'll write about it.

Happy Fitnessing!

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