
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Tip :: REAL Food Protein Shake

My current Zumba instructor does a "Tuesday Tip" and so I'm borrowing that idea today to share my protein shake recipe. I guess this could be called a tip... I love this recipe because it is highly nutrient dense and tastes great so The Husband actually requests this for breakfast pretty much every morning. Here it is... Click the links if you have no idea what the ingredient is. :0

Makes about 3 cups
2 cups Raw Milk (or substitute with coconut water, I do not like the texture of almond milk but you could probably substitute with that if you want)
1 cup ice
1 scoop protein powder (I like Vanilla Sun Warrior brown rice protein)
2 squirts flavored stevia (I prefer Vanilla Créme or Chocolate)
2 Tbs. chia seeds (pre-soaked)*Hubby doesn't really like the texture of these so I don't always add them.
2 fresh organic eggs (sometimes I just do the yokes... yes people the yokes, not the whites)
·        Blend everything together until smooth, then enjoy!
The supplements next to my shake I'll save for another "Tuesday Tip" :)

Happy Fitnessing!

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