
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Poker Face.

The long run.
 I never feel like my weekend can start until after I'm done with that task. Yes, it's a task. Something I have to check off my list. The hardest part is just getting out the door. This week I was on track to do 10 miles. The weather told me I may have to spend that 10 miles in doors on the evil treadmill. BORING. However, a miracle happened and I was able to get 8 miles in before a windy blizzard hit and I was forced to run inside. I was feeling so great during the run that at some point it didn't even feel like a task! When I finished the mileage, I even had energy enough to do a little strength training.

 Now I'm sore, really sore but I have 6 more days to recover before I do 12 miles. Yay!

Other news this weekend: I won 2nd place and $90 to Amazon at my company's poker tournament. Eric was pretty impressed because I was actually playing with skill and not luck.
Me and the 1st place winner, Jace.

Happy Fitnessing!

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