
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ice Skating & My Fitness Status

When planning a team activity for my coworkers I always want to do something active. Last time it was Zumba, this time it was ice skating! I loved all the Christmas lights and music at the Gallivan Center in Salt Lake City. The rink was small but the fun was big! We practiced our tricks, danced on the ice and watched a couple get engaged. It was a great way to kick off the holiday season.


In Chelsea fitness news... My left IT band is still bugging me, I've been treating it like ITBS and have been running very little this past month but I'm really not seeing any improvement. I think I need to do some more research on how I can heal it quicker because it is hindering my yoga practice and this is my favorite time of the year to practice yoga.

I went to a pump class AND Zumba class on Thanksgiving and it was so wonderful, especially before  eating all that yummy stuffing at Tucanos--yes, we went to a restaurant for Thanksgiving and it was actually really fun and yummy!

Hope you're all having a great holiday season so far!

Happy Fitnessing (and relaxing)!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been ice skating in AGES! I have however, been to body pump a lot recently so I guess theres that ;)
