Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Tip #5

About halfway through my run yesterday at a neighborhood track I needed to take a pit stop so I hurried back home only to discover that I was completely locked out! Oh no... I proceeded to try to break in and I won't go into the details but just know I ended up with a bruised and swollen toe.
Ah! In that moment I thought all hope was lost and I would never run again, like I was going to be paralyzed or something. I tend to be a bit dramatic, but I really was depressed because I could barely stand up and it was only an injured toe! After lots of ice, elevation and sleep I woke up feeling better but the toe was still swollen. The swelling has gone down throughout today and I am really hoping it continues to heal quickly. I want to run!

I came across this article from runnersworld.com back when I injured my IT band a few months ago and found it very helpful to know what to eat when injured and to prevent further injury. I looked it up again today and it made me feel a little better. Take a look and consider it my "Tuesday Tip." What the real tip should be is... just because you saw Aaron Cross jump from high ground in The Bourne Legacy this weekend doesn't mean you too are capable of those moves without injury.

Happy Fitnessing!

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